PHASE III : “Church with Others”, Onsite at 116 Baskin Drive, & Online
Current regulations allow private indoor gatherings of up to 50 people provided social distancing measures are maintained. If you are unable to attend our onsite services, we encourage you to take advantage of these new measures and enjoy church with another family, or friend! Invite someone over, enjoy the livestream experience together! Who will you invite? We will continue to livestream our services, going forward. Please keep in mind that it is important to stay within the provincial guidelines for social distancing in these groups.
Late summer/early fall - In favorable conditions, our Sunday morning service will be outdoors, social distancing maintained but no masks required. When conditions necessitate moving indoors, we can seat up to 110 individuals (30% capacity), maintaining 2 meter distancing, and masks are required unless contraindicated due to medical conditions or limitations. Please bring your own mask. While music will continue to be an essential part of our worship, we will not sing aloud together indoors to minimize potential contact with droplets.
NEW - Pre-register for each Sunday service to help us prepare, and to assist with recording attendance.
For those of you who feel uncomfortable with gathering physically at this time, we will Livestream services from our church building to enable you to participate from your location.
- If you or anyone in your home or circle of relationship is sick or symptomatic, please stay home and enjoy our online experience. If you are in need of prayer, please contact the office and one of the Pastors will be in touch with you.
- Masks are required unless contraindicated due to medical conditions or limitations. Please bring your own mask. We will have a limited supply of disposable masks available for those who are unable to obtain their own.
- All volunteers and staff will be wearing masks in appropriate and public spaces.
- Doors will be open 15min before the service. Attendees will be assisted by a team of ushers in finding seats in the sanctuary as soon as arriving. The lobby and café area will not be open as a gathering place.
- 2 meter space between family groupings will be observed. Every second pew is closed off. Spaces are marked for available seating.
- In order to respect social distancing guidelines, please refrain from handshakes or hugs.
- There will be dedicated entry and exit points to allow for secure social distancing. After exiting the church building, you may use the parking lot or lawn as a place to mingle with social distancing, but please be sensitive to the needs of others trying to get to their cars.
- Our church service will be approximately one hour. PLEASE NOTE: Current guidelines from Ontario Health recommend that singing be suspended for church gatherings for the time being, for the safety of those gathered. We have chosen to follow that recommendation. In the mean-time, during indoor worship, an element of our gathering will include times of reflection as Pastor Yeshua leads.
- There will be no childcare during phase III. Children will sit with their parents. Dedicated, non-shared child packs with small activities, coloring sheets and crayons are available. The nursery and child play areas are not open for use.
- To ensure your safety, extra cleaning and disinfection measures have been implemented with special attention given to frequently touched surfaces. Hand sanitizing stations will be made available at entry and exit points and at various locations within the building.
- Washrooms will be open, but we request that use be limited as much as possible. Please consider using home washroom facilities just prior to joining us for the service.
- Attendance (name and phone number) will be taken at each service for contact tracing, if required.
Watch this video for a quick and easy walk-through on how to register for church on your mobile device